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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Karate Styles

Karate is a martial art as well as a sport which originated in Okinawa, an island in Japan. Karate is actually a product of indigenous Okinawan fighting techniques and southern Chinese martial arts which came to influence their ways. Karate features punching, kicking, knee/elbow strikes and open hand methods.  However, it may also include methods such as grappling, joint manipulations, locks, restraints and throws.
Karate is categorized and differentiated with others because of its use the hips and certain stances to generate striking power. There are also distinctive breathing methods that are used to generate power within. The common prearranged forms which are basically needed to be memorized are called kata. A student or a practitioner who involve himself or herself in karate is referred to as a karate-ka. Karate is also called karate-dō by traditional practitioners.
Karate training is basically divided into three major areas which a student needs to go through. These are the basics, the forms, and ultimately the sparring. The stage of Basic motion (Kihon) refers to the study of the fundamental techniques of the karate. In this stage, a student will be learning the principles and core values of karate. Forms (Kata) on the other hand are movements and techniques which are predetermined. They are remembered like steps in the dance. These forms are necessary because they serve as foundation in learning higher levels of karate. The last stage is the Sparring. In this part, a karate-do will have to apply the theories as well as the forms which he/she has learned in all the karate lessons. They are often done with actual partners whom stand as imagined opponents.
There are many karate styles. To know them, here is a list which enumerates the most common ones.

  • Goju-ryu karate - This style belongs to the hard/soft school of Karate. It is one of the four original Okinawan styles of Karate which was founded by Chojun Miyagi.
  • Shotokan karate -Shotokan is also one of the four main schools of Karate in Japan. Its common traits are its long and deep stances and the use of inear movements. Competitions and tournaments are common in Shotokan karate style.
  • Wado-ryu karate - This style was developed by Otsuka Hironori. It is a combination of Shotokan karate, Jujutsu, grappling and Tai Sabaki styles. It does not have the tough exercises that common karate styles require but use methods to evade opponents instead.
  • Shito-ryu karate - this Karate style was developed by karate master named Kenwa Mabuni. It is a combination of the kata and techniques of Gojuryu KArate and Shuri-Te Ka. They are known for their square-on stances and linear strikes.
  • Kenpo karate - Kenpo Karate is a popular in the United States. This is because it involves complete fighting techniques. Kenpo balances the use of hands and feet.  It also involves the learning of Kata. Experts of Kenpo style usually wear black uniforms.
When a person enters a karate school, he should have at least a good look on the karate styles. This is to allow him to choose what style he is best suited. Aside from that, it focuses the attention of the student beforehand.
About the Author
For more information about Karate Styles, visit Karate Classes In The Bronx.


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